The College of New Jersey Receives $33 Million to Expand and Renovate Academic Resources

The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) has been given $33 million to build upon and renovate its academic facilities and resources.The College Of New Jersey (tcnj)

The money – it came in the form of a capital facilities grant by the Office of the Secretary of Higher Education of New Jersey – will go towards CNJ’s “Educating New Jersey’s Next Generation Health Workforce” plan.

As part of the plan, TCNJ is looking to construct a new building for the nursing and public health departments; refurbish academic support spaces in Roscoe West Hall; improve network services; and purchase state-of-the-art teaching and research equipment.

“New Jersey remains committed to investing in our students so that more bright young people are motivated to pursue a higher education right here in our state,” said New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy. “In many respects, that starts with campus facilities and resources. By funding capital improvement projects that both revitalize and expand campus offerings, we not only affirm our commitment to high-quality postsecondary education but demonstrate a commitment to growing talent across the Garden State.”

The grant comes as part of a joint solicitation of four revolving Capital Facilities Bond programs: the Higher Education Capital Improvement Fund (CIF), the Higher Education Facilities Trust Fund (HEFT), the Higher Education Equipment Leasing Fund (ELF), and the Higher Education Technology Infrastructure Fund (HETI).