Kirkwood Community College to Close or Modify Programs and Lay Off Faculty and Staff Due to Low Enrollment

Kirkwood Community College will be closing or modifying three programs and is laying off faculty and staff, citing low enrollment, Corridor Business Journal reported.Kirkwood Community College

“Part of our mission is to identify community needs in order to provide exceptional education and training for the communities we serve across our seven counties,” said Kirkwood President Dr. Lori Sundberg. “Those needs change over time. As an institution tasked with being good stewards of the public funds we receive, it is our duty to change with them. While that sometimes involves difficult decisions, we are making these changes in order to better serve our area.

“At the same time, the higher education landscape is shifting to focus more attention on student-support, and Kirkwood has adjusted our approach and resources accordingly to increase student retention and completion. The greater the number of our graduates, the greater the impact they will have on our region.”

The school is ending its Dental Technology and Energy Production and Distribution Technologies program, effective once current students finish their studies in those areas.

Kirkwood’s incoming lay-offs were described as a “small reduction” in faculty and staff due to the program changes, previously announced facility closures, and low enrollment in several programs. One such program that will be receiving changes is the truck driving program.