Howard University’s Undergraduate Library to be Renamed in Honor of President Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick

Howard University’s Undergraduate Library will be renamed in honor of Howard President Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick.Dr. Wayne A. I. FrederickDr. Wayne A. I. Frederick

The announcement was made by the university's Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Laurence Morse during Frederick’s Jun. 8 farewell dinner. 

“There is, perhaps, no place on the Hilltop more revered than the Upper Quadrangle-Main Yard, known affectionately as “The Yard,” Morse said. “The buildings bear names of those whose legacies loom large in the history of Howard University: The Founders, Rankin, Carnegie, Douglass, Childers, Blackburn, Locke. Now, the name Frederick will be added to this pantheon.” 

Morse talked about Frederick’s efforts to revitalize Howard’s infrastructure, his accomplishments as president, his vision under the Howard Forward Strategic Plan, and his reminders to “be obsessed with the journey because no one destination will ever satisfy us.” 

During Frederick’s tenure, Howard student enrollment reached its highest; financial aid to first-time in college students significantly improved; the school’s academic offerings grew; and its fiscal health experienced a turnaround to the positive.

“I am deeply humbled and honored to receive this incredible recognition. Having the Undergraduate Library named after me symbolizes the years of dedication and hard work that we have collectively invested in the pursuit of academic excellence,” Frederick said. “This honor is not solely mine; it is a reflection of the unwavering commitment and tireless efforts of the faculty, staff, students, alumni, and supporters who have made our University a place of distinction. Together, we have built a community that thrives on collaboration, innovation, and the belief that education can transform lives.” 

 Dr. Ben Vinson is slated to replace Frederick in September.