Dr. Stella L. Smith

Smith, Stella
Associate Director of the MACH III Center, Prairie View A&M University

Smith is an experienced qualitative and quantitative researcher with a focus on mentoring and leadership development of underrepresented populations in higher education; particularly African American women, access to higher education for underserved populations, community-university partnerships, and strategies for P–20 educational pipeline alignment. The associate director of the MACH III Center at Prairie View A&M University, Smith also served as a postdoctoral fellow and associate director of the Longhorn Link Program at The University of Texas at Austin. Smith is also an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling at Prairie View where she teaches a variety of classes including The School Principalship and Community and School Relations. She has authored and co-authored several peer reviewed articles and is a frequent presenter at local, state, national and international conferences.